With all the chaos and long waiting lines during rush hour, calling guests to pick up their meals could be a tricky task. Let’s learn how to create a customized Tico Waiting Number for your store.
1. Login with your account and password
2. Click “APPS”.
3. Click “Get” for Tico Waiting Number
4. Click “Launch”
5. Click “+” to add
6. Enter basic setting (Name & Queue Name) and voice message.
7. Enter display setting (Locale, Type & Display Text) and click “Save”.
8. Click the pencil to edit
9. Copy the URL of display
10. Enter Lookr Digital Signage
11. Click “+” and choose HTML5 Plugin
12. Paste the URL of display, click done and apply to devices.
13. Choose the device and click apply.
14. Animated Effect
You just built a Tico Waiting Number. Isn’t that easy? Try it out!